Dark Oberon

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© 2004 Peter Knut
© 2005 Marian Cerny


Pre-release 1.0.2-RC2

After long time... yes, we are still here... new release candidate is now available. It is primarily intended for testing new install system (Windows platform). It also contains some new features and bugfixes.

Don't be afraid, we didn't forget on Linux/Unix users. Package with sources and new makefile will be finished soon.

Roadmap changed

Considering many requests we desided to change project Roadmap. We will prefer code improving and new AI before new textures, maps and units. OK?

Gallery added

Look at the new Dark Oberon gallery to find out some photos of our little "studio" and models in high detail.

Pre-release 1.0.2-RC1

New release candidate is ready for download.

New screenshots added

New screenshots showing also a small battle have been added.

Homepage update

The homepage has been updated a bit :-).

New mailing list - dark-oberon-discuss

New mailing list for general discussion about Dark Oberon has just been created. We will also post there information about new releases. Subscribe